typedstream IBObjectData Object CustomObject Matrix Control Responder NXBrowser @@::#@ssssi** NXBrowserCell BrowserItem Helvetica @:@iiii ButtonCell ActionCell Remove ff@@#::s TextField TextFieldCell yList of libraries to be searched when linking. Pressing "Add" brings up an open panel. Changes take effect immediately. Link Libraries FormCell Ohlfs Font Name: Field: Font Size: Changing the default Font Name and Font Size changes font characteristics for the text view. Changes take effect the next time Eval is launched. Default Font 600 600 width and height: MSize of the graphics view. Changes take effect next time Eval is lanuched. Graphics View Size Compiler Options GCompiler option switches to be used. Changes take effect immediately. Switches: MenuCell [10@] Paste Paste As MenuTemplate *@*@ccc Info Panel... Preferences... submenuAction: NXImage NXmenuArrow Show Transcript Transcript Postscript Services Delete Find Panel... Find Next Find Previous Enter Selection Jump To Selection Spelling... Check Spelling Select All CustomView ClipView ScrollView NXSplitView Clear Text Clear Graphics ciifffcfffs [128c]{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;} \margl40 \margr40 \grayb666\f0\b0\i0\ulnone\ql\fs24\fi0\li0\gray0\fc0\cf0\up0\dn0 NXCursor NXibeam Scroller _doScroller: @@@ffs| GraphicsView WindowTemplate iiii***@s@ Eval Transcript Windowf Preferences Panel This is shareware! If you find this product useful, please send the sum of $2,500,000.00 glen diener ccrma dept. of music stanford university stanford, ca 94315 (:-)) grd@ccrma.stanford.edu For OS 3.0 Sept. 17 1992 File's Owner MainMenu Field2 Form1 Form2 PrefsPanel Field width and height ScrollingText Font Name Switches Font Size InfoPanel [31@] IBControlConnector IBConnector hide: terminate: IBOutletConnector transcriptWindow splitView textScrollView clearTranscriptText: clearTranscriptGraphics: graphicsScrollView showTranscript: makeKeyAndOrderFront: fontName fontSize compilerSwitches libBrowser delegate libAdd: libRemove: setDefaults: graphicsSize copy: paste: selectAll: delete: showGuessPanel: checkSpelling: evalObjCTranscript: